Published July 23, 2012 from Wailuku First Friday
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Willie K did his range of bests, including a song he sang for the Dalai Lama. He shared stories of his life and travels and we got to hear about the kind and generous side of a superstar. Did you know that Willie K does a special golf tournament each year. which he threw his stardom name to, because it helps the Maui Memorial Medical Center families of cancer patients. He has a super big heart!
At the July 6th Wailuku First Friday, Willie and his band performed the entire night! He did not take a break, he did not stop. For the 4th anniversary of Maui Thing and the 1st Anniversary of Pride Ink, Willie also performed during the 1 hour fashion show. I think he created the lyrics as the models appeared. True talent to the max!
Hope Willie K headlines the 5th Annual Maui Thing Fashion show in 2013! Stand by for July 2013…..
Special mahalo to Saedene and Ken Ota, Ashley Takitani, the Maui Thing staff and models, Pride Ink, Tony Takitani the MC, Rich Priest, Sae Design crew, Maui Carpenters Union, IBEW Electrical Union for a successful Fashion Show!